Sunday, June 20, 2010

Recruiting: Freedom Fighters

Every morning, I make my daily rounds to my normal places, Saxonwatch,, pissed  And every morning I read the frustration, anger and despair coming from the American people. The echo is slowly becoming a low rumble. "They can't do this. How can they do this to people?"  More and more people are being sucked into the black hole of foreclosure and bankruptcy.  In 'saving' the too big to fail banks, our government has made them appear invincible and they are beginning to believe that.  They continue to fabricate documents and situations that are illegal and corrupt.  The more times they get away with it, the more invincible they think they are.  It's time for a.... a HERO.

Recruiting: Freedom Fighters
We need men and women, who are trained to fight and defend the monstrosities of companies that believe they are invincible.  Mortgage Auditors, Legal council and judges that aren't willing to turn a blind's eye to the plight of the American people.  Theft by deception and illegal actions are running rampant throughout this country and we need your help.  Can you hear the cries of the people?  Where are our heros?  Where are our Freedom Fighters - willing to stand up for the American people and fight to defend what's right?  What good are our great laws if they aren't being enforced by the very people employed to defend them? We need judges that are willing to 'pay attention' to the cases before them and defend the laws that have been set in place to protect against illegal actions. 

You want to earn the respect of the AMERICAN people .... then start BEING AMERICAN! Not republican, or democrat... But American. It's up to you to defend our great country, it's laws and the people.  Can you hear them cheer your praises?  Justice Arthur M. Schack has stepped up to defend the laws. Senator Al Franken has heard the cries of the American People.  We need an 'American Dream Team'. A team that is willing to defend what's right regardless of the criticism and backlash that may come. You took an oath to defend the laws of this great land.  It's time to start doing it.